Hello dear students!
You have all been working hard and you need to continue to do so....in this last English course before you go out into the big world....university, work, travel, etc.!!!
1. Write something everyday and send to us in a word attachment whatever you have written even if it is only one page. In other words, don't wait till you have finished the section to send us your work.
2. Send only the work you haven't already given to us. For example,if you gave us(or sent us) the first two pages of a section, don't give or send them again along with the next few pages.
3. Don't forget to attribute or cite your sources(in text references): e.g.(Curran, 2003) at the end of a paraphrase or Curran (2004) points out that intelligence..... at the beginning of a paraphrase. When quoting a sentence or a passage, "...................." the reference goes at the end of the quote and a page number needs to be included.(Curran, 2004, pg 15).
Even if you are not sure of the exact form, you need to put in the references as you are writing rather than try to find them afterwards. Remember, you put the last name of the author and the date that the book or article was published. You don't need any other details in the text. (the details go in the reference list). If you don't have the name of the author, put in the title of the article/book/video and the date, for now.
You have information from Concordia Library on how to attribute or cite the authors you have used (pages 175-181 in Part 1 of your binders). Also the book Doing Honest Work in College(the chapter on APA) gives you more detailed explanations on when and how to use in text references. You can, as well, consult the unit on Research Project in Part 1 of you binders.
- Send to us whatever you have done throughout the next couple of days.
- We will edit and give back your drafts on Monday. Don't wait for our corrections. Just keep on sending little by little until you have sent at least 4 pages during the weekend so that we can do the corrections before we see you.
- Don't forget to consult your Book: Honest Work in College,or the Concordia Library Information for in text references and reference list.
- If you are having trouble concentrating on your paper, take a little break and start working on your reference list (at the end of the paper) Reference lists don't demand much thinking but take a long time to do so should not be left till the last minute. If you send us your lists we can correct, help etc so that you don't do this detailed work at the last minute. Again consult Honest Work in College, or the Concordia Library Information .
Comment on the following statement. Don' t forget to explain your answer by giving examples:
Oh, Great Spirit, keep me from ever judging a man until I've walked in his moccasins.
Read your classmates' answers and comment.....
We will again give you time in the lab but we will also be working on some units in class so bring Part 2 of your binder as well as whatever material you need to continue your work on the paper.
Have a great weekend,
Lili and Teresa
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